Natural and small water-retention measures in agriculture dominated areas: Possible barriers to uptake and solutions


Agriculture is facing multiple challenges related to water quality and quantity, such as erosion, nutrient runoff, flooding and drought. These challenges will be further intensified by climate change. Reduced tillage, grassed waterways, buffer zones, small, constructed wetlands, sedimentation ponds, and grass/no tillage on erosion or flood exposed areas, areall examples of measures that can contribute to the retention of water, soil/sediments and nutrients. Existing regulations and incentives support the uptake of environmental measures in agriculture, but there are still barriers to implementation. Potential barriers and solutions were mapped in a survey among representatives of national authorities, regional and river subbasin authorities as well as other experts in the SouthEast of Norway. Results show that administrative challenges, such as extensive application processes, low costbenefit for the farmer and voluntary measures are perceived as barriers. Potential solutions suggested by the informants include better financing arrangements, informal training and knowledge sharing, as well as simplified bureaucracy.