The OPTAIN partners gathered in Klaipeda, Lithuania – Report from the 5th General Assembly


Credits: Natalja Čerkasova

From 24-27 September 2024, the 5th General Assembly of the OPTAIN project hosted by the Klaipėda University’s Marine Research Institute was held. The meeting brought together over 50 representatives from the project consortium to review progress and plan for the future.

The event started with a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Martin Volk, the project coordinator, along with hosts, Dr. Jovita Mėžinė and Dr. Natalja Čerkasova. Dr. Zita Rasuolė Gasiūnaitė, the Director of the Institute, and Prof. Dr. Georg Umgiesser from the university’s modeling group also greeted the participants, setting the stage for productive discussions.

The first day focused on reviewing the progress across various work packages (WPs). WP1’s update emphasized the Multi-Actor Reference Group (MARG) approach and case study developments, followed by presentations from WP2 on measures and indicators, and WP3 on data retrieval and harmonization. Later, WP4 presented its integrated assessment of Natural Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM), showcasing results from both field and catchment scale modeling, as well as economic analysis. The day concluded with case study presentations and open-space discussions, encouraging collaborative exchange and feedback.


On the second day, the progress was presented from the side of WP5, the optimization of NSWRM, followed by a detailed session of WP6, which outlined the synthesis of policy recommendations and deliverable updates. The morning was dedicated to World Café discussions while covering topics such as economic analysis, stakeholder engagement, and project synthesis.

 Credits: Ivana Korn Varga


The day continued with a boat excursion to the Curonian Lagoon, where participants visited Juodkrantė village and had a chance to take a walk to the forest or the Baltic Sea beach. During a boat ride, they experienced beautiful scenery and had a chance to see Curonian Spit, a long, thin, curved sand dune.


  Credits: Ivana Korn Varga

Day three brought further insights, starting with WP7’s focus on communication, and dissemination, while including the Learning Environment platform, and project management updates from the side of WP8. A panel discussion explored perspectives on the project’s final year, identifying key activities and outcomes for OPTAIN’s final project phase.


Case study presentations continued, concentrating on the effectiveness of NSWRM in different environmental and economic contexts.

 Credits: Ivana Korn Varga

The meeting ended on the 4th day with an excursion to the Lithuanian case study catchment. Participants visited the Dotnuvėlė River while hosted by Lithuanian Agriculture Advisory Service and a local farmer which provided an OPTAIN team a chance to get a deeper understanding of the practical challenges of water and nutrient management and benefits from the modelling work within the scope of Dotnuvėlė River basin. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights into how OPTAIN’s findings can support the future implementation of NSWRMs in Lithuania.

 Credits: Ivana Korn Varga

 Author: Ivana Korn Varga (GWP CEE)