OPTAIN takes part in the Open Research Data Pilot (ORDP) of the European Commission, which means that we aim at increasing the openness and transparency of our research by improving the accessibility and reusability of our results. As part of that, the project partners regularly publish reports, journal-papers, datasets and software, which document individual aspects of OPTAINs progress in great detail. For long-term preservation of these results we use the open-access repository ZENODO. ZENODO is developed under the European OpenAIRE program and its structure, facilities and management are in compliance with FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). An OPTAIN ‘community’ on ZENODO lists all the scientific material that has been published so far: [Link OPTAIN community on ZENODO]. In total 12 public reports from all work packages (WP), four open-access scientific papers and one dataset have been published (status summer 2022). Furthermore a set of software/scripts to overcome data scarcity problems will be available soon. The following list shall give a brief overview on the documents that have been published so far.

Public reports
WP1 on OPTAINs case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach:
- Van den Brink, C., De Vries, A., Nesheim, I. & C. Enge (2021): Stakeholder mapping report, covering the case studies. Deliverable D1.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Van den Brink, C., De Vries, A. & I. Nesheim (2021): Workshop and workshop report on how to establish and nurture MARG for constructive engagement in water – agriculture - environmental conflict related issues. Deliverable D1.2 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
WP2 on measures and indicators:
- Lemann, T., Fribourg-Blanc, B., Magnier, J. & J. Eichenberger (2022): Coherent catalogue with a selection of most promising NSWRM including results from MARG exchanges. Deliverable D2.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Krzeminska, D. & F. Monaco (2022): Tailored environmental and socio-economic performance indicators for selected measures. Deliverable D2.2 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
WP3 on the retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity:
WP4 on the integrated assessment of NSWRM:
WP6 on synthesis and policy recommendation:
- Čerkasova, N., Idzelytė, R., Banovec, P. & M. Glavan (2021): Common working environment with standardised metadata for the harmonised reporting of project outputs. Deliverable D6.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
WP7 on OPTAINs dissemination, communication and Learning Environment:
- Amorsi, N., Semko, J., Bokal, S. & F. Witing (2020): Launch of OPTAIN website and social media. Deliverable D7.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [LINK ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Bokal, S., Semko, J., Witing, F., Volk, M., Strauch, M. & N. Amorsi (2021): Communication and Dissemination Strategy. Deliverable D7.2 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Bokal, S., Semko, J. & N. Amorsi (2021): Minutes of training event for project partners on knowledge transfer and dissemination. Deliverable D7.3 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Amorsi, N. (2021): Learning Environment development strategy. Deliverable D7.4 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
- Amorsi, N. (2022): Training analysis. Deliverable D7.5 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN. [Link CORDIS] / [Link ZENODO] / Link OPTAIN Website
The reports on project management (WP8) and ethics (WP9) are confidential, but selected information could be provided upon request:
- Witing, F. & N. Čerkasova (2021): Data management plan – version 1. Deliverable D8.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN.
- Witing, F., Volk, M., Schürz, C. & M. Strauch (2021): Minutes of the plenary meetings. Deliverable D8.2 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN.
- Witing, F. (2021): H-Requirement No. 1 (Ethics). Deliverable D9.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN.
- Witing, F. (2021): POPD Requirement No. 2 (Ethics). Deliverable D9.2 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN.
Public datasets
- Honzak, L., Čerkasova, N., Farkas, C., Gelybó, G., Piniewski, M., Pogačar, T., Schürz, C., Strauch, M., Tóth (Szabó), B., & F. Witing (2022): Bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX RCM simulations for the OPTAIN case studies [Data set]. Zenodo. [Link ZENODO]
Peer reviewed articles
- Ćosić-Flajsig, G., Karleuša, B., & Glavan, M. (2021). Integrated Water Quality Management Model for the Rural Transboundary River Basin—A Case Study of the Sutla/Sotla River. Water, 13(18), 2569. [Link Journal] / [Link ZENODO]
- Nasta, P., Szabó, B., & Romano, N. (2021). Evaluation of pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties: A voyage from regional to field scales across Europe. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 37, 100903. [Link Journal] / [Link ZENODO]
- Zajíček, A., Hejduk, T., Sychra, L., Vybíral, T., & Fučík, P. (2022). How to Select a Location and a Design of Measures on Land Drainage – A Case Study from the Czech Republic. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 23(4), 43–57. [Link Journal] / [Link ZENODO]
- Zhang, L., Zeng, Y., Zhuang, R., Szabó, B., Manfreda, S., Han, Q., & Su, Z. (2021). In Situ Observation-Constrained Global Surface Soil Moisture Using Random Forest Model. Remote Sensing, 13(23), 4893. [Link Journal] / [Link ZENODO]
Authors: Felix Witing, Martin Volk - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany