Our team

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ, Germany)

Partner n°1,  coordinates the OPTAIN project, leads the German case study (Schwarzer Schöps) while contributing to all case study tasks and leads work package 5 on “the optimization of spatial implementation schemes of NSWRM.


Prof. Dr. Martin Volk

coordinator, martin.volk@ufz.de

Felix Witing

deputy coordinator, project manager and lead of WP8 and WP9, felix.witing@ufz.de

Dr. Michael Strauch

project manager, WP5 lead and UFZ case study lead, michael.strauch@ufz.de

Dr. Christoph Schürz

modelling, optimization and UFZ case study, christoph.schuerz@ufz.de

University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment (UBERN, Switzerland)

Partner n°2, leads the WP2 Measures and indicators and the Swiss case study. As member of the WOCAT Executive Teamhost of the secretariat of WOCAT UBERN will be responsible for providing a harmonized documentation of relevant NSWRMs, using different WOCAT questionnaires and the CBP tools.


Dr. Tatenda Lemann

Measures and indicators work package (WP2) and Swiss case study lead, tatenda.lemann@unibe.ch

Joana Eichenberger

Doctoral Student, modelling and stakeholder interaction, joana.eichenberger@unibe.ch

WBF Agroscope (WBF, Switzerland)

Partner n°3, is co-partner to the Swiss case study and contributes to the Integrated assessment of NSWRM (work package n°4). With the University of Bern, Agroscope leads activities in the collection of data and knowledge on existing and additional NSWRMs in collaboration with Agridea.


PhD Dr. Annelie Holzkämper

Senior researcher (Division Agroecology and Environment), annelie.holzkaemper@agroscope.admin.ch

Agrártudományi Kutatóközpont (ATK, Hungary)

Partner n°4, leads WP3 and the Csorsza and Tetves case studies. ATK actively participates in WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach, WP2 Measures and indicators, WP4 Integrated assessment of NSWRM and contribute to all case study site based tasks in close collaboration with its local partner OVF. www.optain.hu



Dr. Brigitta Tóth (Szabó)

ATK Case Studies, WP3 lead, toth.brigitta@atk.hu

Dr. Agota Horel

modelling, ATK Case Studies, horel.agota@atk.hu

Peter Braun

modelling, braun.peter@atk.hu

Dr. Gyorgyi Gelybo

modelling, meteorological data retrieval, gelybo.gyorgyi@atk.hu

Janos Meszaros

data retrieval, meszaros.janos@atk.hu

Kinga Farkas Ivanyi

communication, dissemination, policy, farkas-ivanyi.kinga@atk.hu

General Directorate of Water Management (OVF, Hungary)

Partner n°5, supports policy and stakeholder dialogue and be local partner of MTA ATK on case study Kebele Catchment. OVF is involved in WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach, WP2 Measures and indicators, WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation, and will support the modelling activities with input data.


Dr. Ilona Kasa

Physical geography, hydrologist at OVF Department of Irrigation at the Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation kasa.ilona@ovf.hu

Peter Molnar

Environmental, flood and excess water management engineer at the Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation, molnar.peter@ovf.hu

Dr. Eszter Forró-Rózsa

agricultural engineer at OVF Department of Water-supply, Inland Water and Irrigation forro.rozsa.eszter@ovf.hu

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WUL, Poland)

Partner n°6, leads WP4 Integrated assessment of NSWRM with a focus on catchment-scale modelling. In addition, WULS contributes to WP3 on harmonization of model input data and climate scenarios. With the help of ITP (Polish local partner) WULS is responsible for the Polish case study (Upper Zgłowiączka).


Dr. Mikołaj Piniewski

associate professor at Department of Hydrology, Meteorology and Water Management, WP4 lead, mikolaj_piniewski@sggw.edu.pl

Dr. Marek Giełczewski

assistant professor at Department of Hydrology, Meteorology and Water Management, case study leader, marek_gielczewski@sggw.edu.pl

Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy (ITP, Poland)

Partner n°7, is the local partner of WULS for the Polish case study (upper Zgłowiączka River watershed), ensuring communication and knowledge exchange on NSWRM between local actors and the OPTAIN team. It will contribute to WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach and WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity.


University of Ljubljana (UL, Slovenia)

Partner n°8, leads WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation and contributes to WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity to WP5 Optimisation of NSWRM plans. UL leads the Slovenian case study.


Dr. Matjaž Glavan

assistant professor in environmental planning at Biotechnical Faculty of UL, Matjaz.Glavan@bf.uni-lj.si

Dr. Mateja Škerjanec

teaching assistant of Environmental Engineering at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of UL, mateja.skerjanec@fgg.uni-lj.si

Miha Curk

PhD student (agronomy), contributing to the Slovenian case study sites and catchment scale modeling, Miha.Curk@bf.uni-lj.si

Kmetijsko Gozdarska Zbornica Slovenije - Kmetijsko Gozdarska Zavod Maribor, (KGZ MB, Slovenia)

Partner n°9, is the local partner of the University of Ljubljana and organizes Multi-Actor Reference Groups (MARG) for the case studies Pesnica and Kobilje.


B.Sc.Gregor Kramberger

Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia; Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor, gregor.kramberger@kmetijski-zavod.si

B.Sc Katarina Kresnik

Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia; Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor katarina.kresnik@kmetijski-zavod.si

Ghent University, (UGent Belgium)

Partner n°10, leads the Belgium case study in the Wimbe catchment. UGent will also be involved in the WP2 Measures and indicators and contribute to the Learning Environment platform development (WP7).


Prof. Dr. Peter Goethals

professor in applied water ecology and sustainable water management at Ghent University, Department of Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology, peter.goethals@ugent.be

Dr. Marie Anne Eurie Forio

Postdoctoral researcher in Aquatic Ecology (AECO) research unit of Ghent University, marie.forio@ugent.be

Klaipeda University (KU, Lithuania)

Partner n°11, is responsible for the Lithuanian case study (Dotnuvėlės baseinas) and will contribute to all case study related tasks. KU is co-leading WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity, WP4 Integrated assessment of NSWRM, and WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation.


Dr. Natalja Čerkasova

Case study leader, researcher in the KU Marine Research Institute, part of the modeling group, natalja.cerkasova@apc.ku.lt

Dr. Jovita Mėžinė

Coordinator of case study MARG, researcher in the KU Marine Research Institute, part of the modeling group, jovita.mezine@apc.ku.lt

Rasa Idzelytė

Junior Researcher in the KU Marine Research Institute, part of the modeling group, rasa.idzelyte@apc.ku.lt

Dr. Ali Ertürk

Researcher in the KU Marine Research Institute, part of the modeling group, erturkal@gmail.com

Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service (LAAS, Lithuania)

Partner n°12, contributes to WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity, WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation and WP7 Dissemination, communication and Learning Environment.


University of Milan, (UMIL, Italy)

Partner n°13, is responsible for the Italian case study (Cherio River basin) and contributes all related tasks. UMIL leads the assessment of socio-economics performances (WP2) and attractiveness of NWRMs (WP4) while contributing to the other WPs.


Prof. Guido Sali

local coordinator and policy analysis, guido.sali@unimi.it

Prof. Claudio Gandolfi

measures and case study modelling and optimization, claudio.gandolfi@unimi.it

Dr. Federica Monaco

socio-economic analysis and optimization, UMIL case study leader, federica.monaco@unimi.it

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO, Norway)

Partner n°14, leads the Norwegian case study, is involved in WP2 Measures and indicators, WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity, WP4 Integrated assessment of NSWRM and WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation.


Attila Nemes

soil scientist and soil hydro-physicist, Attila.Nemes@nibio.no

Dominika Krzeminska

hydrogeologist, case-study leader, Dominika.Krzeminska@nibio.no

Anne-Grete Buseth Blankenberg

ecological engineer, case-study MARG leader, Anne-Grete.Blankenberg@nibio.no

Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation (VUMOP, Czech Republic)

Partner n°16, leads the Czech case study (three nested catchments in Zelivka river basin) and is WP2 Measures and indicators, WP3 Retrieval of modelling data and solutions to overcome data scarcity, WP4 Integrated assessment of NSWRM and WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation.


PhD Petr Fučík, Ph.D.

head of Department of Hydrology and Water Protection, fucik.petr@vumop.cz

Mgr. Antonín Zajíček, Ph.D.

scientist, hydrology, water quality, monitoring, data management, zajicek.antonin@vumop.cz

Ing. Štěpán Marval

scientist, GIS, modelling, marval.stepan@vumop.cz

Ing. Tomáš Hejduk, Ph.D.

scientist, GIS, hydrology, modelling, hejduk.tomas@vumop.cz

Ing. Veronika Sítková

administration, organization, sitkova.veronika@vumop.cz

Daugavpils University (DU, Latvia)

Partner n°17, leads the Latvian case study (Dviete river catchment area), is specifically involved in WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach and will contribute to the others WPs.


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sweden)

Partner n°18, is responsible for the Swedish case study (Ingvästaån/Lejstaån) and contributes to all case studies.


PDr. Martyn Futter

Associate professor in landscape scale water quality modelling, martyn.futter@slu.se

Emma Lannegard

Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE, Slovakia)

Partner n°19, co-lead WP7 Dissemination, communication and Learning Environment, contributes to WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach, WP5 Optimisation of NSWRM plans, WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation and co-lead WP7 Dissemination, communication and Learning Environment.


Sabina Bokal

IWRM, Stakeholder engagement, Communication, Dissemination, sabina.bokal@gwpcee.org

Jergus Semko

Communication and Dissemination, jergus.semko@gwpcee.org

International Office for Water (OiEau, France)

Partner n°20, co leads WP7 WP7 Dissemination, communication and Learning Environment and is involved in WP1 Case studies and harmonised multi-actor approach, WP2 Measures and indicators, WP6 Synthesis and policy recommendation.


Dr. Natacha Amorsi

economist, Communication, Dissemination, n.amorsi@oieau.fr

Benoit Bribourg-Blanc

expert in agronomy, b.fribourg-blanc@oieau.fr

Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA, Norway)

Partner n°23, leads WP 1 on multi-actor approaches and case studies, NIVA co-leads WP 6 on policy and synthesis, and contributes to WP2 Measures and indicators, WP5 Optimisation of NSWRM plans, WP7 Dissemination, communication Learning Environment.


Dr. Sindre Langaas

research manager for the section Water & Society, Sindre.Langaas@niva.no

Dr. Ingrid Nesheim

senior researcher at section Water & Society, works on integrated water resource management, science policy stakeholder interaction, Ingrid.Nesheim@niva.no